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Welcome to Entrepreneurship Service Point We help you create your company electronically

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Create your company with help

+7,000 PAE Specialists (Entrepreneurship Assistance Personnel)
+4,000 PAE (Entrepreneurship Service Points)
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Create your company by yourself

Create your company yourself With the help of our CIRCE system
Easy and secure access With digital certificate, PIN or Cl@ve
Access the VIRTUAL PAE

Other value-added services

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    Deregister your company, sell it or buy an already established company

    Know the necessary steps, legal and fiscal requirements to do it effectively.

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    Everything you need to know to create your company and start your activity

    Starting a business may seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it is totally doable.

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    Other corporate procedures

    In addition to the creation, purchase or dissolution of companies, there are other important corporate procedures that you should take into account.

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